What is PayLive

PayLive is a new digital payment system using your smartphone, any smartphone.

Goodbye blue, silver, and gold plastic credit cards in your pocket or wallet. Hello PayLive, a new digital alternative for in-person purchases. PayLive is disruptive! It challenges all other payment technologies because they have not been designed or implimented as a universal solution for all smartphones in the market today.

PayLive supports all smartphones, the iPhone, the Android phone, or any other modern smartphone you have with you right now!

PayLive is a true MVP solution. It securely communicates credit card
information with the merchant's existing POS System for payment processing. The merchant may continue to use their same Credit Card Provider or Gateway. PayLive is an elegant solution because it requires
no merchant changes for transactions and has no technical barrier supporting the different phone vendors!

Why Use PayLive?

Credit: Bill Andserson

PayLive is more secure than plastic. PayLive is an easier, safer, and faster way to make payments. And because PayLive is smartphone agnostic, all buyers using any modern smartphone can make cardless credit card purchases using their current phone. This is what consumers have been waiting for.

PayLive Perspectives

A Buyer's View

PayLive is easier, faster, and more secure to use than pulling out your credit card. There is no cost to you. If your smartphone is ever lost or stolen, simply deactivate PayLive by going to our website from anyplace in the world and logging in. You are in control.


The Merchant's View

You may use the same VeriFone credit card terminal you use today. It will be updated with PayLive extensions, but you will see no difference your POS operation. With PayLive you may now accept any customer's smartphone for processing credit card payments.


The Smartphone

Can you buy food at Safeway with your Starbucks app? No. Can you pay with your Android phone with Apple Pay? No. Not a Problem. PayLive is universal, it integrates with any retailer's POS software and works on any modern smartphone, including the one in your pocket.


The Merchant Card Reader

The modern credit card reader is in all supermarkets and department stores today. It has a small tactile sceen, receives chip based or magnetic strip cards for payment. To support the PayLive Payment System these modern card readers will be field upgraded with the PayLive extensions.

PayLive's Unique Elements

- Support all modern Smartphones.
- New proprietary security model.
- More safely moves financial data.
- NO financial data stored on remote
    Enterprise Servers.
- New revenue opportunity for payment

Our Target Audience

- Google, Apple
- PayPal, Square, Stripe
- Visa, MasterCard
- Amazon
- VeriFone

The PayLive Invention

The PayLive Payment System is the most secure payment model in operation today. And there is a reason, the proprietary jewel buried deep within the PayLive code. It is a process invention developed by PayLive that moves credit card data more securely than currently implimented in the finance industry today.

The PayLive Invention is a design specification that impliments the inversion of the conventional credit card processing and storage, keeping personal financial data off of remote enterprise servers, safely stored on your devices, fully encrypted. 


About Us

Richard Fink, Founder

PayLive is an independent software company in the payment sector of the financial industry. It is a wholly owned company by it's founder, Richard Fink. PayLive is a U.S. company based in San Francisco California. It has no debt, no employees other than its founder, no partners, and no beholding to other entities.
