The Merchant's View

The retail seller, the merchant, is the actual PayLive customer. They are the real beneficiaries of the PayLive product. PayLive makes it possible for the merchant to make more unit sales as they move more buyers through the purchase process in less time, gaining happy customers and increased revenue.

PayLive is innovative by design. It is literally a bolt-on, drop-in solution to the merchant's existing POS software. Merchant's will embrace and adopt PayLive because no changes to their existing Credit Card Provider or Gateway are required- they simply gain a more convenient option for payment. With virtually no startup hurdles, merchants can focus on the benefits- faster payment processing, increased buyer pass-throughs per POS location, a great buyer experience- all resulting in repeat customers and increased re-occurring revenue. Of course PayLive supports legacy credit cards use at the merchant's card readers when that is the buyer's choice.

PayLive provides to the merchant’s customers, their buyers, what they truly value:
   - Easier and faster credit card purchases.
   - Security by reducing the chance and occurrence of lost or stolen cards.
   - Protection from fraudulent use of the buyer’s credit card.

Using their smartphone for purchases, the buyer feels more protected, more in control, more efficient in their busy day. This is a positive buying experience, motivating the buyer to return to shop here again. The result is an increase in reoccurring revenue for that merchant.