Copyright and Trademarks

Copyright © 2013-2020 PayLive Payment System. All rights reserved.

PayLive, PayLive Payment System, the PayLive Product Overview document, the PayLive Executive Summary, all other PayLive documentation, and the PayLive logo are trademarks, registered trademarks, and copyrights of PayLive Payment System and Richard Fink. All other trademarks and copyrighted material utilized in this online site are property of their respective owners.

Trade Secrets

The PayLive Payment product and the associated PayLive Invention, internal to the payment product, referred here together as the "product", are a proprietary set of unified computer processes that define a secure digital payment system, and contain Trade Secrets. The PayLive App, the PayLive Cloud Servers, the PayLive extensions running on the merchant’s credit card reader/terminal, and the design use of QR Codes in this process are protected proprietary designs of this product. Other implementations of the product's core technology can exist within the design intentionof this product, and are also fully protected expressions of the product. The components and descriptions expressed here are only one protected implementation, to clearly illistrate and demonstrate the product’s operations and capabilities, so that it can be adequately visualized in an understandable scenario. The written words in this document are not meant to, and do not, limit the technical scope of this product's definition, orthe protection of its Trade Secrets, as protected under the Uniform Trade Secrets Act (UTSA) of the United States.