The PayLive Exit

The PayLive Payment System is functionally complete. It is fully tested, documented, and an operational MVP product. PayLive is looking to find a buyer for this product, including the technology, the patentable invention, or as a ready operation. There are two value prospects for the PayLive exit:

1) The PayLive Invention
Purchase of PayLive for the benefits and value of the PayLive Invention. PayLive contains a new proprietary process of data movement that is designed to protect financial and personal data as it moves through a business process, such as a payment transaction. This process is currently protected as intellectual property through the Uniform Trade Secrets Act ("UTSA"). The PayLive intellectual property is ready for U.S. Patent application and protection. Such a company might be one of the behemoths in the payment industry, understanding the inherent value of turning the tables, inversing the storage of personal data, and greatly increasing the security of credit card transactions. Such companies might be Visa, MasterCard, Google, or Amazon. An average of 200+ million credit cards are used everyday in the United States. It is past time for the PayLive invention to become the secure standard, via the inversion of financial and personal data storage off of merchant's enterprise servers and back on to single devices in the possession of the consumer.

The PayLive invention represents the highest value return, for purchase of the PayLive System.

2) The Payment System Scenarios
Purchase of PayLive for the value of the PayLive Payment operation. PayLive is ready for implimentation and augmentation into an existing payment system, or installation in the merchant sector as a payment system of its own, in the following scenarios:

-- A Fallback Technology (ex: Google or Apple) 
PayLive is purchased by a company already in the payment space. Google or Apple would be well served by PayLive because each is currently limited to serving +/- 50% of the available payment market. Their NFC technologies are proprietary to their own phone’s technology and limits their available market-share. They can only deliver payment services to their phones, Androids or iPhones, leaving a lot of fees and uncaptured analytic data left on the table. PayLive provides payment capability to all modern smartphones. Our technology can be integrated into their existing payment systems, permitting them to now utilize a seamless and transparent fallback capability, for payments from competitor's phones. How does this fit into Google or Apple's workflow? When the buyer has an iPhone and only Google Pay is available, the buyer may use their Google Pay app on their phone. Google Pay, detecting this, then fallsback to their embedded PayLive technology to complete the payment. 

Either company could up their payment completions by 70 to 90% by incorporating the PayLive technology within their existing Google Pay or Apple Pay platforms. This integration can increase their revenue fees upwards by 80%, gaining revenue that had been previously unattainable.

Google or Apple, the two giants in the payment industry today, would now be enabled to support payments from all smartphones in the world today. This will enable them to vastly increase their data collection capability, to acquire buyer analytics and customer profile data from competitor phone use. Such data gathering will provide an enormous increase in revenue dollars far beyond any fees associated with payments.

-- For the Analytics (ex: Facebook or Amazon)
Purchase by a company possibly not in the payment industry but who is heavily invested in gathering comprehensive consumer analytics on a large population of the country. Such a company would be currently collecting deep analytics on many aspects of consumer activity but missing an important piece, each consumer's whole retail activity. 

Why might Facebook be interested? They are hounds for customer analytics and a payment system is another way for them to round-the-corner and acquire the human data they do not have access to today. The same can be said for Amazon, the world's largest online seller. PayLive will add nuances and detail to the population they are already tracking. With PayLive they could now significantly add to their comprehensive database of consumer profiles. This scenario produces the most revenue because personal data is worth immensely more than retail merchant fees.

-- Enter Retail Payment Market (ex: PayPal, Square, or Stripe) 
Purchase by payment companies, some not currently in the physical retail payment spectrum, but who want to get into this field to broaden their foothold in industry. In their case, they may also not be interested in acquiring PayLive for implementation of a new payment system, but instead to utilize the new proprietary security process developed and owned by PayLive, to more securely move financial and personal data between the buyer and the payment or retail servers. 

-- A Non-U.S. Company (ex: Alibaba China) 
Purchase by a foreign based company for implementation as a vital digital payment product in their own retail market regions, in Africa, Middle East, Asia, or Europe.

In Summary:  The two value points in the purchase of the PayLive product:
- the operational payment system
- the proprietary design and process invention, providing much more improved secure data movement and storage.